Have You Tried Vine Yet? Tips for using Twitter’s new 6-second video app

by Lina Fenequito.

The internet’s been a buzz with Twitter’s newly released Vine, a standalone application for any iOS device (Iphone, iPad) that allows users to record and share video in 6 second clips. Though reviews have been mixed–from “the next big thing” to “banal and useless” there’s no doubt this new player to the social media space has people talking. Facebook and Twitter (who were once written off as the “banal and useless” as well), are here to stay…proving that sometimes even the most simple ideas can be game changers. But does Vine live up to the hype?

After spending some time playing around with the app that has been dubbed the “instagram of video”, it’s clear to see what the hype is. Both creating and browsing “vines” are equally addictive. And with its ridiculously simple interface, creating vines proved to be easier than texting. Point the camera at something, touch the screen, and Vine starts recording. Lift your finger, and it stops. That’s it. There’s no option to re-record or preview mid-stream, edit, upload your own external video or audio, or record beyond the 6 seconds. Despite the seemingly limiting features, the restraints have empowered creativity. Already, people have uploaded creative stop-motion shorts, captured the heartwarming, contemplative, and the vulgar (Vine is dealing with a rather bothersome porn problem), participated in memes, and formed off-shoot sites such as vinecats.com. And it’s only been 2 weeks.

Like twitter, the constraints of Vine has created a level playing field for anyone with a phone and 6 or more seconds to spare. Though without complex editing, and video and sound quality none greater than the phone’s capability, vines have been beautiful, intimate glimpses of life that would have not otherwise have been shared. Check out our little experiment–the view from our office at sunset!

It’s too early to see the staying power of Vine, but many larger brands such as GE, Urban Outfitters , and Trident have started to get their feet wet. But the beauty of Vine is in its accessibility and there are opportunities that any company/organization, large or small, can take advantage of. Here’s some ways we’ve seen it used:

Product Demo
A simple ‘how-to’ video not only features your product, but is inherently valuable to your customer. The start-stop functionality is perfect for multiple step ‘how-to’ videos; quickly record one step and then stop your recording so that you can set up the next step, and repeat.


Teasers, updates
The bite-size nature of Vine videos is perfect for creating short teasers or updates to an upcoming event or launch. Releasing them over time builds anticipation and shapes a great story.



Live-Real Time Coverage of an Event
Vines will replace or augment real-time tweeting from events. Quick quips, commentary or interviews will be easy produce and share.


Behind-the-scenes videos
Easy to create Vines will bring backdoor access to the inner workings of some companies. This may be beneficial to HR, recruiting, or brand development to bring a friendly human face to a faceless corporate façade.



Vine is perfectly suited for creating witty, funny, entertaining moments of greatness. Entertaining your audience will result in shares, followers and increase the mileage of your brand.



Interested in learning more about how social media can benefit your company or organization? We can help! Ask us how we can integrate a social media strategy into your already existing marketing plan.

4 comment(s)

I love the idea of a 6-second video, clearly from these examples it’s enough to communicate a succinct idea. I always dread video links as they tend to be time consuming and long-winded without communicating much content.

Larissa, I definitely skip through many videos…ironically watched about 6-seconds. This just saves me the mouse drags.

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